Albert Campbell


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During the school year, school staff participate in a number of Professional Activity (PA) Days. Beginning this school year, boards of education are now required to publicly share detailed information about PA Days, as outlined in Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 151.

As per the Ministry of Education, 2023-24 PA Days will focus on the priority areas of Literacy and Mathematics, Curriculum Implementation, and Student Well-being, School Safety and Violence Prevention. Additional topics identified by the TDSB will also be covered during PA Days.

All information and details will be posted to at least 14 days in advance of the scheduled PA Day.

If you have any questions, please speak to the Principal at your child's school. Thank you.

TDSB Values

As part of the Toronto District School Board, we value

- each and every student; a strong public education system;
- a partnership of students, schools, family and community;
- the uniqueness and diversity of our students and our community;
- the commitment and skills of our staff; equity, innovation, accountability and accessibility;
- and learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful.

Our website is one way we can demonstrate these values.


Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute
1550 Sandhurst Cir, Scarborough, ON M1V, 1S6
Principal: Icilda Elliston
Vice Principals: Ambeika Sukhram & Gopul Devanabanda
Superintendent: Monday Gala
Trustee: Yalini Rajakulasingam

Toronto District School Board Logo