

volleyball serve


  • Line up both your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Place your non-dominant foot ahead of your dominant foot.
  • Your shoulders and hips should be aligned with the net.
  • Place your non-dominant hand directly in front of you, almost completely straight (but with a flexible elbow) and palm up with the ball in it.



  • Swing your serving arm back next to your head. Make sure that your elbow is pointing upwards and your hand is at or slightly above your ear.
  • Toss the ball up with your palm of your left hang (not fingers) about 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) in the air.
  • **Remember you want your dominant hand to make contact with the ball just after it changes direction and begins to drop back down. Swing your dominant arm back at the same time, keeping your wrist rigid.



  • Snap the wrist and cross the striking arm in front of the body.





How to Serve (Underhand):



  • Line up both your feet about shoulder-width apart. Place your non-dominant foot ahead of your dominant foot. Your shoulders and hips should be aligned with the net.
  • Ball is in held in your non-dominant hand, in front and to the side of your body.
  • Look at where you want to aim for the ball to land.



  • Swing your dominant hand (the one not holding the ball) to hit the ball under and behind with the heel of your hand.
  • As your hand swings forward, step forward with your non-dominant foot shifting your weight forward. (Right-handed server will step with left foot as your right hand swings forward; Left-handed server will step with right foot as your left hand swings forward).
  • Eyes on the ball.
  • Fingers of the hand holding the ball are released. Do NOT toss ball in the air.



  • Follow through in a pendulum like motion with a straight arm.