Cedar Drive Junior Public School

Important Information:

Our School Day Begins at 8:40 a.m.   

Our School Day Ends at 3:15 p.m.


 Registration for TDSB English Kindergarten programs is ongoing.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to school in September!

To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four years old by December 31. To register for Senior Kindergarten, children must be five years old by December 31.

For more information about the Kindergarten program, registration requirements, and to complete an online registration, please visit: www.tdsb.on.ca/kindergarten.


Cedar Drive



If you have changed your home address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, and/or childcare providers, please call the school (416 396-6120), to update your child’s records.

TDSB website https://www.tdsb.on.ca/


Welcome to Cedar Drive Junior Public School.

As part of the Toronto District School Board, we value:

  • each and every student;
  • a strong public education system;
  • a partnership of students, schools, family and community;
  • the uniqueness and diversity of our students and our community;
  • the commitment and skills of our staff;
  • equity, innovation, accountability and accessibility; and
  • learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful.


Please Note:  Parking is very limited at the school. Please be prepared to park on the road.