Welcome to Jean Augustine Girls' Leadership Academy's Website
Our school motto is "Strong Together"
Thank you for your interest in the Girls' Leadership Academy at Highland Heights Junior Public School. Pleasetake a moment to learn about our beautiful school. Additional information is available through the TDSBElementary Academies links on the TDSB website at www.tdsb.on.ca. Also, wewelcome telephone inquiries and are pleased to meet with interested parents and prospective community partners. The Girls' Leadership Academy offers options that can enable students to develop the academic, leadershipand organizational skills necessary for personal success.
Please check out our brochure for moreinformation!
Optional Attendance
Students who reside within the City of Toronto have the right to attend a school which is designated to serve theirresidential address. The "Find YourSchool" section of the website identifies the designated schools for each residentialaddress.
Students also have the opportunity to access schools outside of the school that is designated to serve theirresidential address by applying on optional attendance. Acceptance at these schools is subject to space availabilityand program suitability. The procedures, conditions and timelines relating to optional attendance are described inthe Optional Attendance Policy and the OptionalAttendance Operational Procedure.
Status for 2015-2016
Optional Attendance status for Jean Augustine Girls' Leadership Academy is:
Regular Program: Limited
Learn more about Optional Attendance, including definitions of theclassifications, as well as links to full school listings. If you have any questions about optional attendance,please contact the school directly.