Welcome Pauline Johnson Families!!

We hope that everyone in our PJ community have been enjoying this amazing fall.  As the weather turns colder, we remind all families to ensure their children are coming to school dressed for the weather.  Hats, warm coats, mitts or gloves are highly recommended.  Please stay updated by checking in with updates from  the classroom teacher, as well as, the weekly Principal's Message.   



School Times

8:30 a.m. Grades 1 to 6 Yard supervision begins

8:45 a.m. Kindergarten supervision begins

8:45 a.m. Instructional time begins (9:00 for Kindergarten)

9:55 - 10:10 Recess

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch

1:50 - 2:05 Recess

3:00 p.m. Kindergarten dismissal

3:15 p.m. School dismissal


Personal Items

Please label all personal items. Students are encouraged to have indoor shoes especially to be prepared for physical education classes, and to keep the school clean and tidy. Bring a reusable water bottle every day. Valuable items (such as electronic devices) are to be kept at home. Primary students are encouraged to bring an extra set of clothing which can be kept in their backpack. 



Students are encouraged to go home for lunch. For students who need to remain at school, a litterless lunch is strongly encouraged (using reusable containers). 


Student Drop off and Pick up

Please note Entry and Dismissal times. Inform the school when your child will be late or absent. TDSB Safe Arrival policy requires a phone call home for students who are late or absent unless the school has been notified. The automated phone system will contact home until verification has been made to explain the absence. 



Important Dates

Monday, September 2 – Labour Day
Tuesday, September 3 – First Day of School
Friday, September 27 - P.A. Day 
Friday, October 11 - P.A. Day 
Monday, October 14 – Thanksgiving
Friday, November 15 – P.A. Day
Friday, November 29 - PA Day
Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3 - Winter Break
Friday, January 17 - P.A. Day
Friday, February 14 - P.A. Day
Monday, February 17 - P.A. Day
Monday, March 10 to Friday, March 14 - March Break
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday
Monday, April 21 - Easter Monday
Monday, May 19 - Victoria Day
Friday, June 6 - P.A. Day
Friday, June 27 - Last day of school