

Math at Home

As we all know, Math is an essential skill in daily life. Although students experience numeracy across the curriculum during the school day, much learning can occur when your children are at home and in the community. Daily Math outside of school could be sorting money for a piggy bank, counting allowance, determining the number of pages left in a book, calculating what fraction of a pizza is left, looking for patterns in clothing, reading charts and tables, deciding how many more apples need to be bought to make an apple pie recipe, estimating how much food will cost at a grocery store and deciding which product brand is the least expensive price based on the quantity provided.  This year, our teaching staff will continue work with the 3-Part Math lesson in assisting students to explain their thinking and consolidating understanding while problem solving.  Also in current use by many of our primary and junior classrooms is Math Prodigy Games, an online site which involves problem solving and levelled numeracy questions that reflect the Ontario Math curriculum. 

Here are some recommended Math websites you can explore at home with your child:

  • Link to Learning
  • Alberta
  • Lizard Point
  • Math Tools
  • BBC UK
  • Nelson Math Gr. 1 - 6