Parents & Visitors

Parents & Visitors

We ask that parents and caregivers visiting our building be role models for our children by supporting school policies and procedures while taking an active part in implementing the Code of Behaviour.

Any type of inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated including physical, verbal, sexual or psychological abuse, bullying or discrimination on the basis of race, culture, religion, gender, language, disability, sexual orientation or any other attribute. Be on the alert for incidents and situations involving school property and property of others and take responsibility for reporting these incidents. Help to provide a safe and secure environment by reporting an unsafe environment and any breach of the school rules.


Balmy Beach School is a busy place. For it to run smoothly and safely, we recommend parents adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • Make an appointment with the teacher if you wish to discuss an issue with them (please avoid impromptu meetings in line ups or in the hall);
  • If you have a concern with something happening in the classroom, please discuss it with the teacher first before contacting the office. 
  • Please sign in and get a visitor pass from the office when you visit the school; remember, not all students know who you are. 
  • If you are waiting for your child to be dismissed, please wait at the appropriate exit door. This aids us in readying students for dismissal and does not disrupt classes.
  • Always call us or use the SchoolMessenger App if your child will be absent or late;
  • Stay informed: read the newsletters, refer to the school calendar and the website before calling the office for information.