Cameron Public School

Cameron Public School

Welcome to the Cameron Public School web site.  Cameron is a safe and caring community based school, committed to teaching the personal value of each individual and enhancing their joy of learning.

Spring Fair needs your help. Please volunteer if you can. See information on the link below. Get involved, it's so much fun!

Cameron has a new Twitter Account to keep parents/guardians posted about exciting things that happen at Cameron PS. Please consider following us by pasting the following URL into your Browser  You will need to message me with the name(s) of your child(ren) and their teacher(s) in order to be granted permission to join us, as a security measure. Hope you enjoy! It will keep you updated on daily happenings here, so that you can ask your child about the many events we have at school! Please check for my weekly Friday email to parents for detailed school happenings.

I encourage all parents to become actively involved in our School Council whether it's attending a meeting or getting involved one of our many committees. Every voice counts.

Please contact our School Council at for additional information.

Pat Bonavota


Mental Health and Well Being Supports and Resources
School Cash Online