Clinton Street Junior Public School

Welcome to the Clinton Street Public School

aerial shot of clinton PS

Clinton Street Junior Public School (GR. JK-06) Be kind, be safe, and watch out for each other. Clinton has character! Clinton Public School is located west of Bathurst, south of Harbord and north of College Street. One of Toronto's oldest schools, it dates back to 1888. The present school was built in 1966 and serves over 400 students. Clinton Public School offers a strong academic program from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The school is also home to Grade 4-6 Gifted programs, K-6 Developmental Disability programs, a 4-6 Learning Disability program and before and after school daycare. Clinton is proud of its inclusive character and wide-range of learners.

Grade Three Universal Gifted Screening

Across the TDSB, students in grade three complete the CCAT assesment as part of the Board's universal screening for giftedness at the grade three level. All students are to complete the assessment, which is on-line, in October. At Clitnon Street PS, the Grade Three students will be engaged in the assessment on October 24, 25, and 26 from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.  We will reserve October 27 as a 'make-up' day in case any student requires more time or is away during one of the days.

Early French Immersion in the TDSB

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) would like to share some information with your families about Early French Immersion. The entry point to Early French Immersion for September 2024/25 school year is Junior Kindergarten

The application to the Early French Immersion program will remain an online process managed by the Central French Department and applications must be completed online between November 6 and December 1, 2023. An offer of placement in the program (not a specific school) is guaranteed to all on-time applicants. Families with an older sibling currently in an Early French Immersion program are still required to complete an online application for the new student. Interested families can apply via the Application Link.

Please click here for the Early French Immersion poster and here for the flyer card with QR Code. 

At any time, please visit the TDSB French website to view a video that provides information about the TDSB French Language programs as well as the application and placement process in the Early French Immersion and the Middle French Immersion programs. More information about the Early Immersion Program is available in 22 languages, or visit the Information Sessions website for related links to join a live Zoom webinar about the application process. 

Clinton Street PS September Re-Organization

Please click here for the newsletter explaining the September re-organization process for Clinton Street PS.

Clinton Street Cougar Spirit Wear

Also for any families interested in purchasing Clinton Street spirit wear, the store is now open.

In order to receive any items by Thanksgiving weekend, you would need to place your order by September 20.

Items are delivered to the school with your child's name attached.

Last year, we put any money raised from the spirit wear purchase towards new jerseys for our different teams and this year we are going to put it towards safety padding for our new gymnasium.

Please find the link below.


Athletics to Start the Week of September 18

Tuesday/Thursday 7:50am: Cross Country running (all-gender, grade 2-6)

Tuesday/Thursday 3:30pm-4:30pm: Touch Football (girls, grade 4-6)

Tuesday/Thursday 3:30pm-4:30pm: Touch Football (boys, grade 4-6)

Monday/Wednesday 3:30pm-4:30pm: Soccer (girls, grade 4-6)

Tuesday/Thursday 8:00am-8:50am: Soccer (boys, grade 4-6)


- Students must have signed permission forms for all tryouts and practices.

- Visit the Clinton Athletics website for more details.


Jonathan Ball


Physical Education
Clinton St. Public School
460 Manning Ave.
Toronto, M6G2V7

Tel: (416) 393-9155

Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 School Year

Please click here for the welcome back letter to the Clinton Street community from Principal Taylor.

Our School Hours


First bell:  8:50 a.m.

Classes start:  8:55 a.m.

Lunch:  11:25 - 12:40

Dismissal:  3:15 p.m.

Grade 1 - 6

First bell:  8:50 a.m.

Classes start:  8:55 a.m.

Lunch:  11:40 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.

Dismissal:  3:30 p.m.

TDSB Transportation

Many of the students at Clinton Street PS use TDSB Transportation Services to get to and from school. The school bus drop-off and pick-up area is right in front of our front doors on Manning Street so we ask that any parents driving their chidren to school to please respect our designated bus area.

The beginning of the school year is the busiest time of year for the TDSB Transportation department as they are finlizing bus routes and responding to new applications as quickly as possible. Please know that it is the TDSB Transportation Department and not Clinton Street PS that establishes the schedule and the routes. A representative from the transportatoin department should be in contact with your family once the bus route is established for your child. 

If you have any questions about TDSB tranportation, we encourage you to access the following section of the TDSB website and follow the prompts.

Of course, you may contact the school if you have any further questions.

TDSB Elementary School Calendar for the 2023/24 Year

Please click here for the TDSB's Elementary School Calendar for the 2023/24 school year.

Congratulations to Ms. Sharon MacDonnell

Please click here for a letter regarding the promotion of Ms. Sharon MacDonnell to the role of Vice-Principal at Beverley School.