Safe and Caring Schools

Safe and Caring Schools


General Brock Public School Code of Conduct


Our code of conduct is rooted in our belief that our students must develop the skills and attributes of self-motivated citizens with the academic and social skills required to function responsibly in a democratic society.  We hope that students in our school extend and develop these important character attributes:  respect, responsibility, empathy, kindness and caring, teamwork, fairness, honesty, cooperation, integrity, and perseverance.  Our code of conduct is intended to support the growth of these attributes.  To that end, while in our building, on our school grounds, on excursions, or while visiting other schools, we ask that all students, guests, parents, and staff follow two guidelines…  


Treat others as you would like to be treated.

• Treat others with respect, courtesy, and dignity
• Follow all components of the TDSB Safe and Caring Schools Policy – everyone has a right to be safe.  Watch for your own safety and the safety of others. 
• Use manners – greet others, use words like ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’, and use an indoor voice when inside
• Be an active listener – listen attentively and ask good questions
• Have a positive attitude and be ready to learn, on time, every day!  Keep your work area neat and tidy, have your materials ready, complete all assignments to the best of your ability, and ask for help when you need it.  Work with all the partners involved in education openly and honestly – parents, staff, and students
• Use appropriate and peaceful strategies to solve problems
• Do not bully; do not be a bystander to bullying

Follow TDSB and General Brock rules

• Put away and power off any personal communication or electronic device that your parents have asked to have at school (cell phones)  (MP3 players, Ipods, and electronic games are not to be at school)
• Observe our dress code and take off hats
• Keep hands and feet to yourself
• Respect your property, the school’s property, and the property of others – for example, put litter where it belongs, no graffiti, no gum
• No physical or verbal violence – keep stones, ice and snow on the ground, no swearing, no putdowns
• At unstructured times, (like recess or lunch), include others in activities in a positive way, play in assigned areas, follow the instructions of supervisors


Students’ positive behaviour will be recognized through class programs, student of the month assemblies, end of term assemblies, the newsletter, and phone calls home.

When individual students are having difficulty meeting school expectations, a system of logical consequences or progressive discipline will be followed.  Incidents will be dealt with on an individual and situational basis.  Intervention could include:

• Interview with student by appropriate school personnel
• Parent/guardian involvement – call/interview/letter
• Removal of privileges
• Detention/contracts
• Counseling
• Mark of zero (in cases of plagiarism)
• Temporary withdrawal from class or school
• Suspension from school
• Restitution for damages
• Involvement of police
• Recommendation for expulsion by the Board


In our continuing effort to encourage home/school communication, we share our schoolyard rules, so that both parents and staff may reinforce these safety rules.  These rules are reviewed seasonally.  Failure to behave appropriately may result in the application of progressive discipline measures.


Visits to the School

Should you wish to visit a classroom during the course of a school day, please phone for an appointment.  Upon arrival at school, please sign in at the office, pick up, and wear a Visitor/Volunteer pass.  It is important that we are aware of all visitors/parents in the school.


Consistent attendance and punctuality are conducive to student achievement and progress.  Children who are ill should remain at home until completely recovered.  If you are unsure about their readiness to return, please check with your family doctor.  It is very difficult to accommodate requests for children to remain indoors, at recess and lunch periods, because appropriate supervision is not available.


Electronic should not to be brought to school.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics.  Using electronic devices to negatively impact the well-being of another person and/or the learning environment can result in invoking progressive discipline measures up to and including suspension.

Emergency Information

Please ensure that the school has updated emergency information, at all times.  If your home or work telephone numbers change, or you make changes in daycare arrangements, please keep the school informed immediately.  It is extremely important that the school has current information on all students.  Medical information about allergies and prescribed medication should be noted on your child’s emergency forms and the school should be made aware of any changes.

Safe Arrival Program

This program is designed to monitor and confirm student absences on a daily basis.  Parental co-operation in reporting absences or lates enables the program to function efficiently. If your child is absent, please call the school anytime at 416-396-6250 to report your child’s absence. If you are taking your child out of school for an extended period of time, please write a note informing the school of the dates and the reasons.  Students are marked late by their teachers if they arrive after their class is brought into the building.  Additionally, late slips are required if the student arrives after the national anthem is played.

Student Planners

Students from grades 1 – 8 are given the opportunity to purchase a school planner to organize their school program, record homework, plan assignments and to maintain communication between the home and school.  Students should take their planners home each day and discuss their progress with their parents


We hope that parents will become involved in the many and varied programs offered at the school.  As well as classroom assistance, parents are invited to work in the library, computer labs, or special programs.  Police reference checks are required before any volunteers are permitted to work in TDSB schools.
Through the School Council, many parents have become involved in committee work which benefits the school as a whole.  Your involvement is encouraged and readily accepted.  For more information, please contact the school office.

Lunchroom Supervision

Our policy is to provide a supervised lunchroom for those children whose parents work and have absolutely no other alternative than to have their child remain at school during the noon hour.

There will be no charge for this service.  However, if the behaviour of a child is unacceptable, this service may be withdrawn and the parents are then responsible for finding an alternate location for the child’s lunch hour.

If the students are participating in the lunchroom program, they are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the lunch period.  Parents must sign and return a lunch agreement form in order to use the lunchroom service.  Appropriate and respectful behaviour during the lunch hour is expected, as per our school code of behaviour, or consequences may be invoked.

Inclement Weather

In the event of extreme inclement weather conditions, classes in Toronto schools may be canceled.  However, the schools will be open and staff will make every effort to be on hand to receive the children who arrive at school.  While the Toronto District School Board believes that all children benefit from regular attendance at school, parents and guardians may decide not to send their children to school if they believe that conditions are unsafe.

The Toronto District School Board will make every effort to inform parents of any cancelation of classes or school transportation services through the local Toronto radio stations.  Before sending your child to school on stormy mornings, please listen to local radio stations for information regarding transportation and classes.

If severe weather conditions develop during the day, it may be necessary for school buses and special education transportation to take children home earlier than usual.  Parents should ensure that arrangements have been made for the care of their children in case of emergency or early dismissal.