
Dear Crerar Families,


Thank you families who were able to join our November Parent Council Meeting. Your input in meaningful discussions is always welcomed and appreciated. Please stay tuned to a Parent Council organized Pizza Lunch for students. More details to come. Also, thank you parents/guardians who have and continue to volunteer their time during day trips and excursions. 


The December 19 Holiday Concert is unfortunately cancelled. We hope to have a Spring Concert in the new year! 

Thank you Ms. Ahier and Mr. Arnfield for organizing the visit of Earth Rangers to our school on November 21. The assembly took students on an exciting ‘choose your own adventure’- style narrative that highlighted the important roles that different sciences play in protecting animals and the environment. The show also discussed the important role of species conservation in protecting the planet, taking a holistic view on how sustainability – including the small actions and decisions we make daily- can profoundly impact Earth’s biodiversity . The immersive HD multimedia experience and l ive animals demonstrating their amazing natural behaviours was informative and captivating! 

The office is seeing an increase in the number of late arrivals in the morning. Please continue to help your children develop/maintain effective night and morning routines so that students are on time and ready for school. Coming to school late disrupts the learning of others and is challenging for the student as they are arriving after important instructions and morning messages are shared. Thank you for your partnership in supporting student success. 


Our Community Settlement Worker, Annas Elhassan, and Parent, Caregiver & Community Engagement Worker, Paul Blackwood, would like to run a pre-employment workshop series for parents in January. The workshops would be 90 minutes long. Here is a parent survey to assess interest:


High School Open Houses and Information Nights
To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, open houses and information sessions for parents/guardians/caregivers and students happen between November and January. Visit the website to learn more about our variety of schools, programs and courses and see the dates and times of scheduled Open Houses and Information Nights.




There is much to be thankful for, and I wish everyone a safe and happy December. As the holiday season approaches, I wish everyone a healthy and bright new year. 



Ms. Lin



Please visit the Community Supports page/tab often to learn about various learning/job opportunities and how you can support your child(ren) and family throughout the year. The Community Supports tab is updated regularly.  Here is the direct link to the TDSB Community Hub page where you can find valuable information for parents/caregivers:

Please read Trustee Shan's Webpage which contains his monthly newsletters here: