

SoFun is a committee of parent volunteers at Humbercrest whose purpose is to present fun social events and to raise funds for materials and programs that directly benefit all students.

Thanks to the incredible support of the Humbercrest community, our SoFun fundraising events, including Pizza Days, the QSP Magazine Campaign, Dance-a-thon and Family Bingo Night has raised significant amounts of money in years past which has gone towards many crucial learning tools for Humbercrest Students.  In past years, SoFun funds were used to purchase Smartboards, musical instruments, data projectors, a sound system for the gym, a tent for sporting events, as well as arts and anti-bullying presentations. Each classroom also receives a portion of the funds for non-consumable items such as reading materials, games, audio-visual equipment, etc.

All students (JK to 8) are encouraged to participate in school-wide events like Pizza Days, Spell-a-thon and Family Bingo Night. New parents to Humbercrest often ask how they can help or feel more connected to the school. SoFun can only be successful with help from parent volunteers. We need your time and talents to provide both the social and fundraising events at Humbercrest. In fact, we have a long-standing tradition at Humbercrest that involves the Grade 7 parents. It is the special responsibility of Grade 7 parents to host the Grade 8 Graduation celebration each year.


If you would like to help in any way, please contact us by email at