Welcome to the Maurice Cody TDSB website!
Should you have any questions regarding classroom routines please contact your child's teacher or the Maurice Cody office at 416-393-9240.
Rob Hochberg (Principal) and Maggie Kanellakis (Vice-Principal) on behalf of the amazing Maurice Cody staff.
Please go to our parent website at mauricecody.ca for the latest up to date information regarding school operations and parent sponsored events
Kindergarten Timetable:
Entry 8:50-8:55
Lunch 11:30-12:30
Dismissal 3:00
Grade 1-5 Daily Timetable:
Supervision 8:30-8:45
Entry 8:40-8:45
Morning Recess 9:55-10:10
LUNCH 11:30-12:30
Afternoon Recess 1:50-2:05
Dismissal 3:15
VOLUNTEERING at Maurice Cody
We value and appreciate the time and dedication that our parent volunteers have to offer. Thank you for your contributions to our learning community! Volunteers are required by the TDSB to complete a Vulnerable Sector Screening Check. Police Reference Check forms are available in the school office. Once a reference check has been cleared, your name will be entered into the TDSB Volunteer Data Base. Returning volunteers are asked to please see Ms. Latino in the office to ensure that their Offence Declaration has been submitted.
LUNCHROOM SUPERVISOR OPPORTUNITIES - We at Cody are always looking for supply lunchroom supervisors. If you or someone you know might be interested in this paid position (hours are from 11:25 - 12:
40) please come and speak with Ms. Kanellakis in the office. This application process is done through the TDSB and very specific steps must be followed. Employment Opportunity Notice LRS.pdf
Parent Council meeting minutes and Principal's Report - Please click on School Council Information TAB.