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SCI Policies & Procedures

Attendance and Late Procedures

  1. Absences

    • If a student is absent a parent/guardian should contact the school before 9 a.m. on the day of the absence at 394-7010; press #1.
    • In the event of an unexplained absence, all parents/guardians will be notified by a computerized telecommunication system.
    • Notes must be shown for unexplained absences to all teachers of classes missed. Notes should include the student’s name and number, date and reason for absence, and signature of the parent or guardian.
    • When the note has been seen by all teachers of classes missed, the student is responsible for returning the note to the Main Office.
  2. Lates

    Silverthorn’s attendance policy emphasizes the importance of punctuality. Lates will be monitored on a week-to-week basis and progressive consequences will be assigned.
  3. Sign-Ins

    1. When a student has signed out during the day, he/she must sign in when returning to school on the same day.
    2. A student arriving at school any time during the day after 9:30 a.m. must sign in at the Attendance Office (Main Office).
  4. Sign-Outs

    1. A student who leaves school during the day must sign out at the Main Office. A note from the parent/guardian is needed.
    2. When a student does not have a note, he/she should come to the office to contact Parent/Guardian for confirmation/permission.
    3. If a student becomes ill during the day he/she must report to the Main Office to sign out. Parents must be contacted.
    4. Students who sign out must leave school property.

Assessment  and Evaluation Policy

The main purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. 

For students to be successful in any course, they should:  

 keep absences to a minimum,  

 actively participate in class and ask questions  

 review each day’s work before the next class,  

 meet deadlines  

 discuss questions and concerns with their teachers 

Teachers will:  

 use a variety of assessment and evaluation strategies as, for and of learning.  

 provide clear success criteria and timely and meaningful feedback for learning.  

 use their professional judgement as part of assessment and evaluation practices, for example  considering most recent and most consistent work.  

A combination of observations, conversations and products are used in assessment and evaluation.  

Examples include discussions, questioning, conferences, demonstrations, projects, portfolios, performances,  reflections, essays and tests.  

The Final Grade:

 70% term work + 30% culminating evaluation and/or exam.  

 Culminating evaluations take place near the end of the course and address the overall expectations. 

Missed and Late Evaluations

 Teachers will post evaluation and test dates in advance.  

 Students are expected to write tests and evaluations on time.  

 When there is an excused absence such as for illness or a school event, students will be given an  alternate date to complete. Students are expected to speak with teachers in advance of known  absences, such as field trips or school events, to arrange an alternate time.  

 Unexcused absences for a test or evaluation, may receive a zero.  

 If there is a pattern of missed evaluations, teachers will connect with parents/caregivers, guidance  counselors and/or administration to consider next steps.  

Late Assignments

Meeting deadlines is an important skill and an expectation for all students. Teachers will help students develop  time management skills. If needed, students should ask for an extension before an assignment is due.  

 For major assignments, teachers will build in check-in points.  

 Once an assignment has been returned to the class, late assignments may not be accepted.  

 As a last resort, teachers may use their discretion to deduct late marks. 

Group Work

 Students are assigned individual marks based on their own contributions.  

 Students should be prepared to present their part of a presentation, even if group members are absent.  

Credit Rescue

Opportunities to catch up on missing work and to demonstrate learning are built into each course.  


Exams written during the exam schedule must be written at the assigned time. Missed exams require a  doctor’s note or a zero will be assigned. The doctor’s note must include the date and indicate the student’s  inability to attend that day.


Individual travel plans cannot be accommodated. If families choose to travel during the school year, grades  may be affected by missed evaluations. Please make travel plans during the scheduled school holidays.  

Academic Eligibility

All students are encouraged to join school clubs, teams, and committees. To participate, students are  expected to be attending class, completing work, and following the school Code of Conduct. Unexplained  absences, or misbehaviour may result in missing scheduled events and/or removal from the club or team. 

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to demonstrate academic honesty and integrity with all course work. Students who  cheat or commit plagiarism will receive a “0”.  

 This includes using artificial intelligence tools (AI) such as ChatGPT to complete assignments unless it  is part of the assignment.  

 Parents and school administration will be informed. A record will be kept in the office.  

 Patterns of plagiarism or cheating will be addressed by the administration, with parents/caregivers.