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It pays to take business courses.

Not only will you gain real-world, practical skills and knowledge, but when you successfully complete five business course, you will receive the Business Certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education.

The Business Certificate is an excellent addition to your resume: a powerful indication to potential employers and educational institutions of your interest, commitment and acumen in business and industry.

Business courses are described on pages 50-52 of the CHOICES: Secondary Schools Course Selection and Planning Guide.

Business Courses Offered

Business courses at Mowat include:

Course Descriptions


Very practical courses suitable for all students. No previous courses or experience required!

Information & Communication Technology in Business – BTT1O1 or BTT201
Offered in grade 9 or grade 10, this course is an excellent choice for all students. Learn everything you need to know about using computers & technology so that you can get your school work done faster and impress your teachers with how great it looks. Oh, and we’re pretty sure you’ll need to know this stuff for 99.99% of all jobs out there!

Introduction to Business – BBI2O1
Get familiar with the basics of business while you sample aspects of business and industry, including marketing, international business, personal finance and investing, accounting, how to be a business leader and how to start your own business.


Great choices whether you are heading to college, university or directly to work. No previous courses required!

Financial Accounting Fundamentals– BAF3M1
If you like order and detail, this course is for you. Learn how businesses manage their money using standard accounting practices, and get a taste for making strategic business decisions based on finances.

Marketing: Goods, Services & Events – BMI3C1
Discover what makes a product sell, why brands are bigger than ever, and how advertising is evolving everyday.

Understanding Canadian Law – CLU3M1
You have the right! Or do you? Learn all about Canadian law and justice in this course. (See note below)

Entrepreneurship: The Venture – BDI3C1
Will you be the next Trump? This course walks you through how to start and run your own successful business.

Information & Communication Technology: The Digital Environment – BTA3O1
A hands-on course focused on technology in business including advanced software usage, e-business and e-commerce.

Continue to build your business knowledge while you specialize in the following areas:

Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals – BOH4M1
Want to be a successful business leader? Learn how to manage, inspire & lead. Pre-requisite: any business course.

Entrepreneurship: The Venture in an Electronic Age – BDV4C2
This innovative two credit course will take students through the process of planning, launching and running a succesful business with online and in-school. Pre-requisite: completion of three business credits. Acceptance by interview.

International Business Fundamentals – BBB4M1
Businesses are going global. Learn how, why, and how to ride the wave of change. Pre-requisite: none.

Financial Accounting Principles– BAT4M1
Take your accounting skills to the next level and get ready for the world of business. Pre-requisite: BAF3M1

Financial Securities – IDC4U1
Like money? Know how to invest? Learn all about stocks, bonds, securities and more while you have fun playing the stock market game.

Canadian and International Law – CLN4U1
Explore Canadian and international law, and their role in social, political & global contexts. Pre-requisite: none. (See note below)

* Note: only one law course may be counted towards the five business credits required for the business certificate.