Be a Geographer

Be A Geographer!

Front of House Image


Curriculum Connections:

  • Geography - Natural Resources around the World: Use and Sustainability
  • Science and Technology - Understanding Life Systems: Interactions in the Environment

Character Development:

  • program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork, perseverance and co-operation


Using the City of Toronto’s five year plan "Live Green Toronto" as a starting point, students discover the importance of individual actions and the role we all have in "greening" our city. Armed with TUSC’s "Go Green" survey (using a tablet to collect and record field data), base maps, digital cameras and their powers of observation, students practice "being geographers" by working in small teams to examine properties around Danforth CTI to assess how people who live in the area are "being water wise and creating habitat". Then, using ArcGIS Online, a Geographic Information System software licensed by the Ministry of Education, students work in pairs to map their results. Completed maps invite an analysis of patterns and the identification of "award winning" properties as well as those which may need help. Suggestions for conducting a similar survey in your local area as well as a variety of RAFT literacy-based follow-up activities are provided.

If you'd like to explore some of the Help Movies your students will be using during this program click below:


Please Note: the TUSC IT Lab is fully accessible for students in wheelchairs; contact TUSC for more information

Program Length: one day (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Availability: fall (October to November), spring (April to May)
Location: TUSC IT Lab
This program takes place in the TUSC IT Lab at Danforth CTI and will become available once operational procedures allow.

Fee: Please find information on the fee structure here.

User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.

TTC: each student requires 2 tickets


Maximum: 30 students