Latin-America History Month

Latin-America History Month

Call-out for Poster Contest!

The month of October is recognized as Latin-America History Month at the TDSB.  This year our theme continues to be Weaving Our Legacies: Returning to Our Collective Path / Enlazar Nuestres Legados: Volver A Nuestre Camino Colectivo.

We invite all participants (TDSB students: Kindergarten—Grade 12) to express what they've learned through art in our Poster Showcase. Students are encouraged to share their thoughts in class and visually represent them in the Poster Showcase. Create a poster that embodies our theme.

Deadline:  Monday, September 23, 2024, by 4:00 pm. 

Please see the attached for all details.

Please direct any questions related to the Latin-America History Month Poster Showcase Committee Leads and/or