We ask that students arrive to school on time and with everything they need for the day. Please make every attempt to avoid dropping off water bottles, lunches, indoor shoes, swimwear, etc. When we have to retrieve items and deliver them to classes it disturbs the teaching and is time consuming for office staff.
Please note that the best way to keep our students safe is to always leave a message on our Safe Arrival line 416-393-9720 option 1, available 24/7 about absences and late arrivals. If this is not done, the Safe Arrival Program will reach out by phone and email and the school gets a report but this method of reporting causes a time delay in vital information about safety. The automated call-out system is considered a secondary attempt when the initial responsibility of notifying the school has not been done. Also, please be aware that teachers do not forward attendance messages to the office so please reach out to notify the office of any extended holiday absences.
It is very important that you include the reason for your child’s late or absent report for tracking purposes. Please remember to leave details of your child(ren)'s symptoms if they are ill.
Lates and Early Pick-up. We must all adhere to a clear day structure in order to keep everyone healthy and safe. We ask for your cooperation in being at school on time and, if possible, avoiding appointments during the school day.
It is preferred that students are not picked up or dropped off during the lunch break. If absent or signed out in the morning they should enter the schoolyard at 12:30 p.m. to join their class for the afternoon. If you are picking up your child for the afternoon please pick them up at the beginning of lunch in the yard.
If a child is late, they will need to come to the front door and ring the bell. Students must report to the front door if their class is already in the building (they cannot enter the building with another class if their class has already entered the building).
All students should come to the office for a late arrival slip before going to their class. Younger children will be accompanied to their classroom.
Thank you for all of your support.