Please Note:
We want everyone to be safe and happy at Victoria Village PS so we are a scent and allergen free zone.
Staff, students and visitors should not wear anything with a scent when in our school. Things like perfume, cologne, hair spray, body creams, etc. may contain scents and these scents cause some of our staff and students to be ill.
As well, we have many students who have life-threatening allergies. We ask that staff, students and visitors do not bring items containing peanuts and tree-nuts into our building These items could make someone very ill. This is why we ask parents and guardians to provide non-edible birthday treats if they choose to celebrate by sharing a treat with the child's class. This means that instead of cake, cupcakes or cookies, we ask that you send non-edible items like pencils, stickers, bookmarks or erasers.
We appreciate your co-operation in keeping us all safe and happy.