Guidance Corner

Transition presentations for students in grade 8 typically will take place early in October to learn options for grade 9. This year we may revisit this timeline. 

 A Parent Information Night will be held in the Fall.  Parents will learn about  optional attendance, specialized programs, applied vs. academic courses and the course selection process. 

The transition presentations to students and the Information Night for parents are intended to support families in making informed decisions about high school. Additional Information will be sent to parents in October. 

Grade 8 Teachers will support students with the completion of myblueprint. 

High School Information Nights

To help you make an informed decision when choosing a high school, TDSB schools host open houses and information nights for parents and grade 8 students each year. Open houses, may be  virtual this year and they take place between October and January. This is an opportunity for you and your child to learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses.

Please go to this link to access the PDF for the schedule of all High School hosted information nights: