School Council

School Advisory Council (SAC)

School councils are an excellent way for you (families of the students) to get involved in your child’s education. Every TDSB school has an elected school advisory council. The SAC is an important forum for involving families and community members in matters that affect the education of students.

What types of things does School Advisory Council do?

The SAC meets every few months and plans out what activities/ events will be at the school and how the budget will be spent.

Who is the school council? (Chair, CoChair, Secretary, Treasurer)

School Council is made up of Parents and Caregivers from our school community. There are approximately 12-15 members at a meeting and all are welcome to attend our meetings and events. Please contact us if you want to know more about our school council at

Get involved

We are a small but mighty (and fun) team always looking for more family members to be part of making Baycrest PS a great school. Please contact us to learn more or help out with any of the following:

  • Snack Programs
  • Pizza Lunch
  • Trips
  • Special skills and tasks 
  • School Council

The following information may be helpful in understanding school councils in TDSB:

The TDSB Parent and Community Involvement Policy includes detailed information regarding Operating Guidelines for School Councils.
School Councils: A Guide For Members, to assist parents and administrators in participating in, supporting and managing school councils.

School Council Overview
School Council 101 - provides a quick overview of council operations.

School Council Programs