

Fostering a Positive School Environment

In order to achieve academic success students are expected to:

  • attend school regularly and be punctual for all classes
  • complete all assigned tasks in a timely manner

To ensure a safe environment students must:

  • respect the authority of all staff (administrators, teachers, office staff, school based safety monitors, caretakers, cafeteria employees)
  • treat personal and school property with respect
  • follow the TDSB policy on use of personal electronics

Use of Electronic Devices by Students

Personal electronic devices should be left safely at home.

If a student is required to carry a device, it is to be turned off and stored in a safe location (backpack/locker) from the time they arrive at school until they leave school property.

Personal electronic devices may be used during instructional class time for educational purposes ONLY, with the express permission/direction of the teacher.

Phone use that is not compliant with this school code of conduct may be taken by a staff member and will be returned to a student at the end of the day. If a student continues to disrespect this, parents may be asked to come and get the phone from the school.

Students in grade 5-8 with TDSB 1:1 devices will have access to these devices for educational purposes. Students are able to bring these devices home on a regular basis.

The Evaluation of Late and Missed Assignments

Students are responsible for completing and submitting work for evaluation on time. This is especially important for students as they approach the transition to secondary schools. Students are responsible for being aware of each due date and the ultimate deadline which is the last opportunity to submit an assignment for evaluation. An ultimate deadline is the date a marked assignment is returned to the class if viewing a marked assignment would benefit the student who has yet to hand it in.  

Sufficient time and notice will be given for tests and for students to complete assignments. There are a number of strategies to be used to help prevent and/or address late and missed assignments which may be employed by the teacher as outlined in Growing Success page 43 and TDSB PR.614, Appendix 1. When a number of strategies have been tried, marks may be deducted up to and including the full value of the assignment.

Parents are encouraged to ensure they have access to their child's Google Classroom where this tool is used by the classroom to communicate assignments and due dates.

Teachers will inform students in an age appropriate manner of the due dates of assignments upon assigning the task or shortly thereafter.