Our School Policy Regarding Personal Devices and Cell Phones

The Bad Side of Cell Phone Use During School – The Big Red Hawks

Our School Policy Regarding Personal Devices Including Cell Phones

Please note that although students may possess personal communication devices (i.e. cell phones) while on school property, all cell phones must be turned off and placed out of view (either in your child’s bag or jacket pocket) during the regular school day (including recess and lunch), while on excursions and at all extracurricular and school related activities. If you need to contact your child during school hours or if your child needs to contact you for some reason, you can call the school at 416-396-6215.

It is important to understand that students who bring cell phones or other valuable items to school are doing so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for the replacement of such items should they be stolen or lost, or if they are damaged. 

We ask that you kindly support your child at home by reminding them of our school and board policies. If you have any specific questions or concerns about this, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher or contact the office.