Optional Attendance and High School Information

Optional Attendance and High School Information


Grade 8 to 9 – Guidance (next steps)

Over the next two weeks, parents/guardians/caregivers can expect to receive a an email from 'myBlueprint' asking to review and confirm the student's school and course selection. Students are asked to come to school prepared with the parent/guardian/caregiver email address which matches the email address that the school has on file.

Here is a reminder of the upcoming schedule for families that have applied to any Out-of-Area and/or SSWAB schools.

Round 1:

Families to be informed of the status of the application on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 before the end of the day.

Families must confirm acceptance of the offer by Tuesday, February 18 at 4 p.m.

Round 2:

Families to be updated on the status of the application on Wednesday February 19, 2025.

Families must confirm acceptance of the offer by Tuesday, February 25 at 4 p.m.

Final Round:

Families to be updated of the final status of the application on Wednesday February 26, 2025.

Families must confirm acceptance of the offer by Friday, February 28 at 4 p.m.

All waitlists expire at the end of the day on February 26, 2025.

TDSB Students must finalize their acceptance by completing and submitting the corresponding course selection for the accepted school in myBlueprint no later than Friday, February 28, 2025.


Grade 8 to 9 – High School Information – January 2025  

Secondary Schools Without a Boundary (SSWAB) - Key Information

The Secondary Schools without a Boundary are: Central Technical School, Central Toronto Academy, Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute, Western Technical-Commercial School, Northern Secondary School

Application Details

The application for SSWAB can be found within the Secondary Out-of-Area Admissions application.

Applications for SSWAB opens on January 6, 2025 and the deadline to apply is January 24, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Additional information and commonly asked questions/answers can be found here: SSWAB  FAQ PAGE

Out-Of-Area Admissions

Students have the opportunity to access schools outside of the school that is designated to serve their home address by applying for Out-of-Area Admissions. Acceptance at these schools is subject to space availability and program suitability.

Please click the following link for detailed information regarding Out-Of-Area Admissions, which includes quick links to schools to determine there Out-Of-Area school status:  Out-Of-Area Admissions Main Page

Applications for Out-Of-Area Admissions opens on January 6, 2025 and the deadline to apply is January 24, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Applicants can opt to apply for:

- One Out-of-Area Option

- One Secondary School without a Boundary Option

- Both an Out-of-Area option and a Secondary School without a Boundary option

If applying to both and if offered a seat in both, applicants may only accept the seat at one school. The decision to decline a seat cannot be undone.

A reminder that applications are equally weighted no matter what day they are submitted during the application window.

Course Selection and Pathways

To help students and families prepare to make decisions in January and February for grade 9 course selection and pathways, the TDSB has put together lots of great information in a digital magazine format: Choices: Planning for Grade 9

Alternative High Schools

This link provides information about the different Alternative High Schools offered at the TDSB: Alternative Schools

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has 21 Secondary Alternative Schools. 

Applications for secondary alternative schools are received at each secondary alternative school. Please visit or call the secondary alternative school for complete information about their programs or how to register at the school.