Ms. Bacvar's Room


Welcome to Grade 4/5!!

This will be a fun year of exploration and growth. In our classroom we are passionate about learning. We will be showing our learning throughout the year through this website. We hope you enjoy.


Genius Hour - Passion Projects

The Passion Project was a way for students to be creative and express what they are passionate about. There were few guidelines with this project. First, it had to be something that the student cared about. Second, they had to do some research. Third, come up with a way to present your ideas! Lastly, have fun!

Here are the responses from the students about the passion project.

"I love doing the genius project because I like to show what I enjoy. I wanted people to know what I like. It let my classmates know more about me. It really helped me have conversations with other class members because we both shared the same interests." - H.I. grade 5

"I like doing passion projects because it is a great way to share to the class what you're passionate about. It also is a really fun project where you get to know what other people like. For my project I did art. I am passionate about art because you get to be creative in many different ways. The best part about the project was we got to bring in props that relate to your passion. You could also create a poster, video or power point to present. I am very thankful to Ms. Bacvar for giving us such a fun project." - P.P. grade 4