Physical Education
Our Physical Education and Health teachers are amazing and provide so many exciting activities for students. Proper dress in the gym is essential for safety and hygiene. Your child will need:
1. Pair of running shoes (athletic type) that are used indoors only
2. A change of shirt and a t-shirt in the program.
Special Education
We value all students and are excited to serve students based on their academic strengths and needs. We believe all students can learn to the highest level and we look forward to working with parents and students to optimize learning through student interests and skills.
E.S.L. Program (English as a Second Language for English Language Learners)
Some students who are new to Canada or whose first language is not English are taught English by specially trained E.S.L. teachers until they are able to
participate fully in the English program. Our ESL teacher supports students a number of periods a week and collaborates with the homeform teacher to modify work as appropriate.
The Arts
The students at Henry Kelsey have the opportunity to take part in an instrumental program as well as dance and drama and visual art.
Borrowing a School Instrument
Students will be able to borrow instruments from the music teacher this year. Please connect with the teacher directly for information on this process.