Canadian & World Studies

Welcome to Canadian & World Studies!

Our Canadian and World Studies department has a wide variety of courses available for students in the areas of geography, history, and contemporary studies. Courses focussing on geographical topics include physical geography, environmental studies, travel and tourism and world issues. In the history department our courses include Canadian History, Civics, World History to the 16th Century, and West and the World. Contemprary Studies courses offered include Economics, Law, Philosophy and an Introduction to anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. Students are given a chance to explore topics in these courses that will focus on the relationship of individuals to each other, their environment and country while providing a whole world perspective on important global, community and personal issues. Our courses are especially important for students considering citizenship tests. A strong foundation in the courses offered in our department is essential for all students as they provide an understanding in our changing world.


Canadian History Since WWI - Applied CHC2P
Canadian History Since WWI - Academic CHC2D
World History to the Sixteenth Century CHW3M

World History: The West & The World CHY4U


Geography of Canada Grade 9 Applied CGC1P
Geography of Canada Grade 9 Academic CGC1D
Travel & Tourism CGC3O

Canadian & World Issues CGW4U

Contemporary Studies

Civics CHV2O
Understanding Canadian Law CLU3M
Canadian & International Law CLN4U