Each spring, Grade 3 and 6 classes throughout Ontario will complete a common test, assessing the reading, writing and mathematics skills that students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3 and Grade 6 respectively as outlined in The Ontario Curriculum. Lester B. Pearson students in Grade 3 will only write the mathematics portion of the assessment due to our French Immersion program. The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) create these assessments each year. As a school staff, we examine the data from these tests, along with data from other areas such as report cards, and identify strategies to improve student achievement and close the gap between low- and high-achieving students. Our primary purpose in analyzing this data is to identify areas of strength as well as areas for improvement as we strive toward greater success for Lester B. Pearson students.

Learning from data is central to our overarching responsibility as educators—being accountable for the success of each and every student.
~Marguerite Jackson, CEO, Education Quality and Accountability Office

The following links are to booklets that were used last year. You will also find a Parent's Guide to EQAO. 

Parents Guide

Grade 3

Mathematics FI 

Grade 6

Language Booklet 1
Language Booklet 2