Welcome to the Learning Commons

Welcome to the Learning Commons!

The Learning Commons is a shared collaborative space where students, teachers and staff can learn together.

A Learning Commons is a vibrant, whole-school approach, presenting exciting opportunities for collaboration among teachers, teacher-librarians and students. Within a Learning Commons, new relationships are formed between learners, new technologies are realized and utilized, and both students and educators prepare for the future as they learn new ways to learn.
Together for Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons
Ontario School Library Association, 2010


Partners in the Learning Commons


  • Students
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Staff
  • Community Members


The Virtual Library

All TDSB students have access to rich and vibrant online services that can be accessed from school and home.  At Pineway, our students are learning how to develop 21st century skills and will be able to learn from any location with internet access.

 The Space

The Commons is a open space for all students and staff of the Pineway Community to use.  The look and layout of the library is dynamic and as flexible as possible to meet the ever-changing needs of our learners.