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Robert Service Senior Public School

Our School...

TDSB Spotlight on Robert Service!

Robert Service BSA Mural - 17 stufent figures across the cafeteria wall. Each student is a superhero with powers and abilities to make the world a better place. African adinkra symbols line the bottom of the wall. The wall moves through different times via architectural drawings specific to Africa's past. Landscapes bring the viewer from the dawn of day to the cosmos.


Robert Service Students Transform Their School Through Art and Afrofuturism!


Let's Talk Parent/Guardian - with Provincial Youth Leaders Jamie and Teddy! Wednesday January 15 7pm - 8pm

Want more information on the School Council Click here on our Parent Web Page!

Parent Council Meetings - virtual meeting. Please contact the school for the Google Meet video link.

Interested in Joining the Council Please see the attached Nomination Form due back to the school by Monday September 23, 2024!

Want more information on the School Council Click here on our Parent Web Page!


There is a TDSB-wide parent information event for Grade 8 students transitioning to Grade 9. For our more information see our Parent Web Page!


December's Parent Council Meeting (SAC). The Parent School Council will meet virtually on Thursday, December 10th at 6:30pm. 



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