The objective of the Safe Arrival Program is to ensure that the students arrive at school safely. If a student is to be absent, for whatever reason, it is required that the parents notify the school.
Promptness is of equal importance as regular attendance. All students are expected to arrive at school by the times designated above. Students who are not in their classroom by 8:55 a.m. or 12:25 (senior) and 12:35 p.m. (primary/junior) must report to the office to sign in and obtain a late slip. All lates are recorded by the homeroom teacher. In the case of habitual lateness and/or absenteeism, parent(s) will be contacted. An answering machine is dedicated to record lates/absences and it is on 24 hours a day. The phone number is 393-9060. If a student is absent and no message has been received from the parents, an automated phone message will be sent to you at the phone number you have on record at the school. You are required to follow the automated prompts. This is in place to ensure students' safety. With an enrollment of over 1,000 students, it is especially important to notify the school if your son/daughter is going to be absent or late.
- Please include the following information when you call: 393-9060 Safe Arrival
- Your child's name (please spell last name)
- Classroom number or teacher's name
- Reason for absence
- Number of days your child will be away
Kindergarten - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM 12:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Grades 1 to 6 - 8:50 AM - 11:35 AM 12:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Grades 7 to 8 - 8:50 AM - 11:27 AM 12:25 PM - 3:02 PM
All exit doors at Runnymede P.S. will be locked at 9:15 a.m. 'Smart Lock' systems have been installed on Exit #6 and Exit #8 giving staff and students in the portables and the playground area behind the school access to the building.
Front Door Exit #1 will be opened in the morning by our custodial staff and will be locked every day at 9:15 a.m. The only way into the building after this time will be through the front door using an intercom/buzzer and camera system. Students arriving late for school will enter via the front entrance (Exit #1) using the intercom/buzzer and camera system and students are required to report to the office for a late slip.
Exit #2 will be opened during the lunch hour from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to allow students access to the first floor washrooms. Exit #2 will be locked again at 12:30 p.m. Students arriving late after lunch will be required to enter via Exit #1 using the intercom/buzzer and camera system and report immediately to the office for a late slip.
ALL VISITORS are required to enter the school via Exit #1 using the intercom system. All VISITORS are required to report to the office, sign the log in book and receive a VISITOR badge. No visitor or parents are allowed access to the school or classrooms without signing in at the office. These procedures are in place to ensure the safety of all students, staff and parents in our community.