Sir Ernest MacMillan Senior Public School

Health Curriculum and Exemption Letter Featured Article

Monday, April 04, 2022 10:50 AM

The Ministry of Education’s Expectations for Human Development and Sexual Health

Children in Grade 7 & 8 will learn to:

  • explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent, the legal age of consent, and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in a healthy, loving relationship
  • identify sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs), and describe their symptoms
  • identify ways of preventing STBBIs and/or unplanned pregnancy, such as delaying first intercourse and other sexual activities until a person is older and using condoms and other forms of protection consistently
  • demonstrate an understanding of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive factors that need to be considered when making decisions related to sexual health (e.g., sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections [STBBIs], possible side effects of contraceptives, pregnancy, protective value of vaccinations, social labelling, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, self-concept issues, relationships, love, respect, desire, pleasure, cultural teachings)
  • explain how relationships with others (e.g., family, peers) and sexual health may be affected by the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty (e.g., effect of physical maturation and emotional changes on family relationships; effect of growing interest in intimate relationships on peer relationships; increased risk of STBBIs and/or pregnancy with onset of sexual activity)

The Ministry of Education provides additional information about Human Development and Sexual Health on their website at

It is important to note that the exemption does not include topics raised outside of the health curriculum and that the Board, aligned with its commitment to equity and human rights, will continue to focus on respecting diversity, promoting inclusive education and identifying and eliminating discriminatory bias in other school programs and activities.

We encourage you to ask any questions about instruction in Human Development and Sexual Health to your child's teacher or principal before deciding to exempt your child.

Complete the Exemption Form (attached) if you decide to exempt your child from learning the expectations listed in this letter. Return the form to the school prior to five days before instruction in Human Development and Sexual Health is scheduled to begin in your child’s classroom.


Mr. McNeill


Exemption from Instruction in Human Development and Sexual Health


Having reviewed the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in the elementary Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum for my child’s grade, I would like my child to be exempted from instruction related to these expectations, without academic penalty.

During the exemption period, I would like my child to [select one only]:

  • remain in the classroom without taking part in instructional activities related to Human Development and Sexual Health. (I understand that my child’s activities unrelated to Human Development and Sexual Health during the exemption period will be at the discretion of the teacher.)
  • leave the classroom and remain in the school under staff supervision. (I understand that my child’s activities during the exemption period will be at the discretion of the teacher or principal. Note: While the school will make every effort to accommodate your request, a school’s ability to effectively supervise students may not be operationally feasible.)
  • be released into my care as parent/guardian or the care of my approved designate.

NOTE: If one of the three options above is not selected, the principal or the principal’s designate will determine where in the school the child is to remain during the exemption period.

For the 2022–2023 school year, the period of instruction related to the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in your child’s grade will start on May 3rd, 2022 and end on June 29th, 2022. I understand and agree with the following statements: a) The Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in strand D of the health and physical education curriculum are different in every grade, so I must submit a completed exemption form every school year, for each child, in order for the child to be exempted from instruction related to Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in that school year; b) references to or conversations about sexual health–related concepts among teachers, school staff, or other students outside formal instruction in Human Development and Sexual Health are not subject to this exemption; c) my child will continue to receive instruction related to all other elementary health and physical education curriculum expectations.

Requests for exemption made by email, or exemption forms or written requests that do not have a parental signature, will not be accepted. This exemption form must be returned by April 29, 2022 for my child to be excluded from instruction related to the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in strand D of The Ontario Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, Grades 1–8, 2019.

Students First and Last Name: (Print) ________________________________

Students Homeroom & Teacher Name: (Print) __________________________

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________