Bulletin Board

FREE Epi-pen Cases

Epi-pen Canada will supply families with one free epi-pen carrying case each year.  Please share the number below with friends and families who may not know about the case.



There's also a free Allerject case for those who have one.  Just go the website below to order yours.  You'l need the last 4 digits from the Allerject to be able to order one for free.

Bulletin Board

Mental Health and Well-Being: How School Social Workers can support you

1 in 5 children and youth struggle with mental health concerns. We all have a role to play to support child and youth mental health. Promoting mental health and well-being belongs to all of us.
How can parents help support children’s mental health and well-being?

• Encourage and mentor healthy life skills: eat well, get enough sleep, regular exercise, etc.
• Help your child or youth learn how to cope with stress in a positive way
• Communicate your own feelings and teach children how to talk over problems
• Teach children and youth how to ask for help and support when they need it
• Consult with your family doctor, School Social Worker if you have concerns or for immediate help, go to your local emergency department

If problems, arise, help and support is available at school. Your School Social Workers are knowledgeable and trained to assist students, families and school communities to address concerns including: anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, anger and stress management, bullying, substance abuse and other mental health concerns.
Contact your school if you need to talk to your School Social Worker, Lenka Covelli