

Green Fox is Terry Fox Public School's own environment club. The purpose of the club is to engage students to make the school more environmentally friendly. Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!

Meet our 2015-2016 EcoSchools Team!  We invite students from Grades 4-8 to join!!

Terry Fox School Garden!

The EcoSchool students have been working very diligently in sowing our own school garden.  We weeded and mulched our garden.  We also mulched the trees around our school!  The Kindergartens also helped us by planting their sunflower plants, so now we have a small sunflower garden! 


All students at Terry Fox Public School and their families are invited to join the EcoSchools team for Eco Family Night!  Eco Family Night was held on April 21, 2016  from 6:00-7:30pm.

We had 5 different stations that students and their families will be rotating through.  Some stations includedEco Bingo, Eco Arts and Crafts, and Eco Games!  We also had special visitors from the City of Toronto, Toronto Public Library, our Public Health Nurse, and Effeclean (a company that sells environmentally friendly products)

We also collected used clothing for Bags2School.  The money raised will go towards our Eco garden and other Eco initiatives.

We had tons of fun!

This year the EcoSchools team challenged each class to see which class could be the most eco-friendly.  Each classroom received a monitoring chart and each day, students self-assessed and recorded how successful they felt their classroom was in being eco-friendly.  There were 3 categories that were recorded.

1. Is waste put into the proper bins (recycle, garbage, and compost - for the classrooms that have them)?

2. Are the lights turned off when no one is in the room? Or if there is enough light, are the extra lights turned off?

3. Are the blinds closed at the end of the day to keep the heat?



To minimize waste, we have been collecting certain items.  We collect old glasses, computer ink cartridges, old cellphones, and CDs.  We also collect pop can tabs to make wheel chairs.  This year, we started to collect used markers as well to support Crayola's ColourCycle. 

We have a Teacher/Student reuse centre where students can come and reuse certain objects for art or projects.  You can bring in any clean recyclable objects and drop them off here!

If you have any of these items at home, please bring them to our Collection Depot!