Tom Longboat Junior Public School

Tom Longboat JPS

2024/2025 School Year

Dear Tom Longboat Families, 

Welcome to Tom Longboat JPS!        

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.  More communication will be coming from the school and your child's teacher over the next few days.  We are looking forward to a wonderful school year!

Please contact the Office if you need any assistance.  Tom Longboat's Office number is 416 396-6610.  The Office will be open on Monday, August 26, 2024.  

Kind regards,

Ms. Huh




Tom Longboat's School Logo!
The Tom Longboat Running Wolves

The Tom Longboat Running Wolves

"Our school logo was designed by a prominent Six Nations artist, Arnold Jacobs, who personally knows the Longboat family and the history of the groups that form that community. As you can see, the logo is simple yet very meaningful. The hills represent the specific nation to which Tom Longboat’s family belonged. They were known as the People of the Hills. The trees among the hills are a significant symbol in the indigenous culture as it represents the strong connection to nature. The wolf is the specific clan to which Tom Longboat’s family belonged. They were known as the Wolf Clan. With these characteristics, we have a symbol that represents more than what Tom Longboat accomplished as an athlete, but also recognizes his indigenous ancestry and culture."