We at Tom Longboat Jr. P.S. strongly believe that patterns and practices, established while children are young, become a “way of life” and carry on through adulthood. Punctual attendance is an important expectation for all students. It has a direct effect on their work, attitude and sense of responsibility. When students arrive late at school, not only are they missing key learning time but they are also disrupting their classes.
- Entry bell for all students is 8:40 a.m. and 12:25 p.m.
- Students should arrive for school 5 minutes before the bell rings
- Students arriving after their entry bell are considered late
Students who arrive after their entry bell must report to the office before going to class in order to get a "Late Slip." They will be marked “late for school” in the official school register. Parents are required to sign the section in the student agenda marked “LATE.” If a pattern of lateness continues, a letter will be sent home with a copy placed in the O.S.R. (Ontario Student Record).
Please help your child to become responsible and to learn the importance of punctuality.
You are always welcome at Tom Longboat Jr. P.S. All visitors to our building are requested to report to the office first. Visitors and volunteers are requested to pick up an identification tag from the office before proceeding to the classrooms.
When waiting for your child to be dismissed, please wait at a pre-arranged exit. Please be punctual when picking up or dropping off your children to ensure proper supervision and safety. If you are unable to do so, we ask that you make other arrangements to have your child picked up.
In the event of extreme weather conditions, classes may be cancelled. Staff, however, will be expected to open the school and supervise children who arrive.
Local radio stations will announce if classes are closed. If severe weather conditions develop during the day, it may be necessary to contact parents (or emergency caregivers) to arrange for children to go home. Make sure you indicate your emergency arrangements to the school in September.
On rainy or very cold days, students should not arrive at school too early. They should arrive about 5 minutes before the bell.
In September, parents are asked to complete a Student Data Verification Form for their children. Please inform us of any changes in this information during the year (e.g., work phone number, babysitter, etc.).
Let us know if there are any changes in the medical condition of your child. We must be aware of all allergy conditions and have access to emergency medication, if necessary. All emergency and health information is kept on file in the office for your child’s safety.