essborough elementary and middle school
211 bessborough drive
toronto, ontario
m4g 3k2
phone: 416.396.2315
safe arrival: 416.396.2319 or bessborough@tdsb.on.ca
principal: janet bambrick
vice-principal: katalin roughton-pare
office administrator: renee cronier
office clerical: vasiliki gioris
bessborough childcare centre
supervisor: jodi kageyama
phone: 416.467.0389
family of schools 14, learning centre 2
superintendent of education: nadira persaud
email: nadira.persaud@tdsb.on.ca
tel: 416.396.7484 fax: 416.396.9165
trustee: rachel chernos lin
email: rachel.chernoslin@tdsb.on.ca
tel: 416.395.8787
twitter: @rchernoslin
website: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/ward11/