Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration


To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four by December 31 of that year. To attend Senior Kindergarten in September, children must turn five by December 31 of that year. 

To register, please call the school at (416) 393-9565 to make an appointment to register your child. You will need to:
  1. bring the following information about your child:
  2. age (a birth certificate or baptismal record or passport)
  3. citizenship (a birth certificate, passport, or Record of Landing) 
  4. address (two pieces of identification that show your address, such as your telephone bill, driver's licence, bank statement, income tax form, rental or lease agreement) 
  5. immunization (the card that shows a list of needles your child has received)
The Welcome to Kindergarten booklet, Starting Kindergarten fact sheets and Frequently-Asked Questions about Kindergarten and translations of these materials in the official languages of the TDSBare available online at

Please call the school office to make 
an appointment to register your 
child at (416) 393-9565