School Uniform

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Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

In May 2016 our school underwent a uniform review process. Every parent/guardian with a child in JK-5 had the opportunity to vote and decide on whether they wanted to continue with our school’s uniform or not. We had a total of 135 votes, 80 votes were ‘for’ the uniform and 35 votes were ‘against’ the uniform. As a result, our school will continue to have a uniform for the next three years until a review and vote will occur again in 2019.

It is expected that ALL students in grades 1-6 (Kindergarten is optional) will come to school wearing our school’s uniform each and every day without exception. The school’s uniform consists of: a white collared top or navy blue top, and a navy bottom (jeans and jogging pants are not permitted). Students may wear the navy vest or cardigan but they are not mandatory.

We understand that a number of our students do not wish to wear the uniform; however we have followed the process and have had our review. Joyce PS is a uniform school and it is expected that parents/guardians will ensure that their son/daughter comes to school dressed with their uniform.

At the start of the school year, the school will clearly communicate consequences for students arriving at school without their proper uniform which may include but is not limited to: a warning, providing the student with a uniform top to wear for the day, suspension etc. Each class will generate points for students wearing their school uniform and these points will be added to the student’s House colour.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.