Land Acknowledgement
We honour the land that the school is situated upon, which has been the site of human activity since time immemorial. It is the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, Anishinabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and The Mississaugas of the Credit River First Nations.
Ontario is covered by 46 treaties and other agreements, and is home to many Indigenous Nations from across Turtle Island, including the Inuit and the Metis. These treaties and other agreements, including the One Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, are agreements to peaceably share and care for the land and its resources. Other Indigenous Nations, Europeans, and newcomers, were invited into this covenant in the spirit of respect, peace, and friendship.
We are mindful of broken covenants and we strive to make this right, with the land and with each other.
We are all Treaty people. Many of us,have come here as settlers, immigrants, newcomers in this generation or generations past. We would like to also acknowledge those of us who came here forcibly, particularly as a result of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. Therefore, we honour and pay tribute to the ancestors of African Origin and Descent.
Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year at WH. I believe in and am firmly committed to co-creating an inclusive, caring, positive, and brave school culture for all of our students, families, staff, and community partners within our learning community. Each student, family, community member, and educator brings unique and varied strengths, interests, abilities, and contributions towards co-constructing and co-leading our collaborative learning community to promote authentic, transformative, and deep learning for every student.
The WH learning community is one where students must feel a strong sense of belonging in order to be successful. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action will guide opportunities for understanding, healing, and well-being. Adults will be supported to promote student well-being and academic achievement by addressing issues of equity through Anti-Black Racist, Anti-Racist, and Anti-Oppressive frameworks. Our shared vision is to encourage our students to develop to their fullest potential so that each student is prepared to become a contributing member of society.
We have high expectations of our students and we hope that each student will set personal and academic goals for this year. We are committed to supporting each learner by recognizing and accepting all abilities and learning styles. In order to achieve together, all staff will support in the promotion of mutual respect, cooperation, integrity, and perseverance throughout our experiences at WH.
Our goal is to work as your partners in education and to provide on-going communication and support as to the progress of your child. As we continuously learn and grow together, we look forward to celebrating every learning moment with wonder and appreciation with your child and our learning community.
Respectfully Yours,
Allina Lee