School Council

School Council

School councils are an excellent way for parents to get involved in their child`s education. Our school has an elected school council that is an important forum for involving all members of the school community in issues that affect the education of students. The school council is made up of an elected committee of parents, staff and student representatives, appointed community members, the principal, and a general membership which includes all parent of children attending the school. The school council advises the principal on a variety of issues and activities relating to student achievement, curriculum goals and priorities, school budget priorities, school safety, renovation plans, after school activities, and criteria for selection of new principals.


Pizza Lunches 

*****Upcoming Pizza Lunch dates:

May 24th - Final 2018/19  ****(Note: this will be a Subway lunch)

The next school council meeting will be on:  

May 22nd  @ 7 pm in the Staffroom

 Thank you!!

Future dates are:

Note: * special time 

*June 18th @ 4pm (staffroom) following the Volunteer Tea in the Library.
This will be our final meeting of the school year. Thanks for all your support!!

All parents and guardians are welcome:) 

School Advisory Council 2018/2019:

Chair / Co- Chair:

Cheryl Hum 


Amy Ibanez

Treasurer/ Co-Treasurer: 
 Islam Albadawi

Community Representatives: 

John Hum   


W. Parish

Staff Representatives:
L. Daley ,  T. Voltsinis

The Agnes Macphail School Council is to be commended for their excellent guidance and assistance for our school. Their input on decisions, dedication to fundraising endeavours, contributions to Grade 8 graduation, participation on many committees and their countless hours of volunteer work on behalf of the children here at Agnes Macphail, has been exemplary.  
Now is the time to help us make a difference for your children. We need your help. Please take the time and join the Agnes Macphail School Council.

Thank You!


Stay tuned for more information regarding parent information/support sessions and fundraising initiatives (Pizza/Subway Lunches) in the new school year. Please help support our fundraising initiatives so we can support our students, our school and the community.