The Business Department offers a comprehensive array of programs designed to equip students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills
The Canadian and World Studies Department offers a comprehensive array of courses delving into global affairs, historical narratives, cultural dynamics
The Cooperative Education Department offers students valuable hands-on experience through structured work placements in diverse industries
The drama department offers a dynamic learning environment where students explore various aspects of theatrical performance, theory, and production
The English/French department offers comprehensive language instruction, fostering proficiency and cultural appreciation through immersive experiences
The ESL Department at Albert Campbell C.I. does its best to serve the needs of our large ELL/ESL community by supporting and teaching students
Family Studies is a multidisciplinary subject area within the Social Sciences & Humanities curriculum that encompasses four areas
The mathematics department offers a diverse range of courses, from foundational topics like calculus and algebra to advanced subjects
Campbell Music is a large and dynamic department that promotes student involvement and musical excellence. Courses are offered at all levels
The physical education department offers a diverse range of activities and studies aimed at enhancing physical fitness, promoting healthy lifestyles, ...
The science department offers a diverse range of interdisciplinary studies, providing comprehensive education in fields such as biology, chemistry,
The Technological and Computer Studies department offers a diverse curriculum encompassing computer science, engineering, and applied technology
The Visual/Media Arts department offers students an immersive exploration of various artistic mediums, techniques, and expressions