About Us

Grades: JK to 08


108 Gladstone Ave, Toronto, ON
M6J 3L2
Phone #:
(416) 393-9140
Fax #:
(416) 393-9142
Alan Malolos
Vice Principal(s): 
Elizabeth McLean
Vishavdev Basanti
David Tomlin
Office Staff: 
Michelle Sheehan
Bernadette Ryan-Phillips
School Council 
Emma Aiken-Klar
Suzanne Jangda
Debbie Machado
Optional Attendance Status: 
School History: 
Alexander Muir (1830 –1906) was a songwriter, poet and school headmaster. A Scottish immigrant, he grew up in Toronto and taught in such places as Toronto, Newmarket and Beaverton. Muir's claim to fame was the song The Maple Leaf Forever, composed in 1867 to celebrate the Confederation of Canada. He was later Principal of Toronto's Gladstone Avenue Public School (renamed after his death in his honour).