We have had a very successful start to our Snack Program. Each morning 180+ Gr. 1-8 students receive a variety of healthy snacks (3 food groups). Our two parents arrive early before the morning bell rings - Monday to Friday - to prepare healthy snacks and to ensure that they are distributed to each classroom on time.
We receive some funding from Toronto Foundation for Student Success, and we sincerely thank those parents/caregivers who have donated financially to this extremely important program. Please note that we require parental consent for children to participate in the Snack Program; therefore, only those students who return their registration form will participate.
It is not too late to register your child and financially donate. If you do not wish your child to participate, we ask that you please provide a healthy snack from home.
We believe in equitable access to all that is available for each student; therefore, any child who wishes to participate in the snack program will not be turned away. We look to you for the continued success of Stirling’s Snack Program.