Bayview Middle School has a very active athletics program. Whether it is indoors or outdoors, Bayview students have many opportunities to engage in physical activity. Our indoor sports include volleyball, Badminton and basketball teams. Outdoors, we have soccer, cross country and track and Field teams which compete against other schools in the area. Lunchtime is also a very busy time at Bayview, since we have intramural sports such as badminton and volleyball, in which students participate for fun and exercise.
Music is in the air at Bayview, and it’s not unusual to hear students practicing in the hallway at 8 a.m., perfecting their skills for Mr. Pylyp’s music class. In addition to our music classes, we also have a Grade 7 Band, a Grade 8 Band and a Jazz Band. The entire community can enjoy all this musical talent at our annual Spring Concert, which is organized by Mr. Pylyp.
There are many other ways to become involved at Bayview, if you are not athletically or musically inclined. Office helpers ensure that our office runs smoothly at lunch and classroom representatives make sure that any vital information is communicated to the rest of the class.
Bayview Middle School is also a place where we know how to have fun! The Parent Council ensures that we have Pizza Lunches throughout the year, and we also have dances in our Gym. Our Spirit Days last year have included Hat Day, Crazy Hair Day and World Cup Day, where students got to express themselves in every colourful way imaginable. Our students also enjoy supporting a good cause, and we get moving for our annual Terry Fox Run and Earth Day clean up.
Contract for Athletes
2016-17 Track and Field at Esther Shiner Stadium