
Mme Daly - 5ième et 6ième année

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you and your family enjoyed your summer vacation. I am excited to be your child’s teacher for this year, and I am looking forward to providing challenges and new experiences for your child in grade 5 or 6 French Immersion.

We will be using the school agenda as a means of communication throughout the year. Students will use it to record their homework, due dates, future tests and upcoming events. In addition, it is also a great way to communicate with me and for me to communicate with you. Please check and initial your child’s agenda every day.

If your child is scheduled to take the bus home from school and you would like to pick him/her up instead, a note must be written in his/her agenda indicating this. Without a note, students will go home on the bus as usual.

This year homework will mainly involve completion of any work that was assigned during the school day that was not completed in class. Incomplete work is expected to be done the night it is assigned. This includes bringing back all necessary notebooks, textbooks and worksheets the following day. If the work is not brought back, it is considered to be incomplete. Periodically homework may also involve preparation, and students may be required to do research for projects at home. I understand that occasionally there are extenuating circumstances, which prevent students from completing their homework. If this should happen, please write a note in the agenda. However, it is important to instill a sense of responsibility regarding school; thus students need to understand the importance of completing work both in class and at home.

All students must be respectful of others and their property and also must be responsible for their words and actions. Students are expected to be quiet during independent activities and participate cooperatively during group work.

What you will need to bring to school:

 Indoor shoes (appropriate for gym and DPA)
 A healthy and litterless lunch
 Snacks for recess
 A water bottle to use during class time
 A USB stick*

As you know, technology is more and more present in our everyday lives. This year we will be using various computer programs to complete projects and assignments. In order to facilitate this, you may wish to provide your child with a USB stick with which he/she can easily store his/her projects and assignments.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. The best way to do this would be to write me a note in your child’s agenda. I can also be reached at the school at 416-396-6085.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year!

Mme Daly