Attendance and Safety

Safe Arrival Program - Before Absence Reporting System (BARS)

Today’s society requires parents and teachers to take extra steps to ensure the safety of our children. To help keep track of our students’ whereabouts Brookhaven has a Before Absence Reporting System (B.A.R.S.). Parents are asked to call the school before 8:45 am in the morning and/or 12:30 pm in the afternoon to report that their child will be absent from school. The number to call is 416-395-5313. The answering machine will ask you to press 1 for the attendance line. Please leave us your child’s name, room number and reason for the absence. The answering machine is on 24 hours a day.

After morning and afternoon attendance is taken, all students that are absent will be checked against messages received. If a child is reported absent by the classroom teacher and you have not phoned the B.A.R.S. program, the school will phone your home or workplace to determine the reason for the absence.

This procedure is important for the safety of our children. Please follow these procedures when your child will be absentfrom school.

Parents planning to take students out of school for family holidays should make prior arrangements with the school.

Absence Reporting Telephone Number 416-395-5313

Leaving During School Hours

  • Parents/adults picking up the child must come to the office.
  • The child leaving early will be called to the office. The parent signs the child out in the office.
  • Any instances of illness, injury or emergency that may require a student toleave the school must be brought to the attention of the office.
  • Parents/guardians will be notified by phone and they must pick up and sign a student out from the office.


All visitors will report to the office to pick up a Visitor’s Badge. For the children’s safety, please do not go directly to the classrooms or wander through the school or school yard.

Changes in Address and Telephone Numbers

It is very important that we have up-to-date information. If we need to reach you in an emergency, or if your child is sick or hurt, we must have current phone numbers. Please keep the school informed of any changes that occur throughout the school year.

Allergies and Health Concerns

The office must be informed of any allergies and/or medical conditions. Accordingly staff are made aware of allergies and/or medical conditions.

If your child has allergies, medical conditions or requires medication administration, you and/or your child's medical doctor must complete the following forms:

  • Form 511E Medical Information Form (completed by parents in September)
  • 536A Administration Of Prescribed Medication (completed after Form 511E is returned)
  • 536B Management of Emergency Medical Concerns (completed after Form 511E is returned)
  • 536F Letter to Parents for Administration of Prescribed Medication to Students (completed after Form 511E is returned)
  • Brookhaven Letter to Parents for Administration of Prescribed Medication to Students (completed after Form 511E is returned)

Brookhaven is a “Peanut Free” school

Several students in our school are severely anaphylactic.

Reactions can occur from any contact with peanuts and/or peanut oil as well as a number of other foods.

Please check the ingredients in the foods you send to school with your child.

Attendance and Safety

A student is expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually. The morning bell rings at 8:55 am, instruction begins at 9:00 am, lunch starts at 11:40 am, the afternoon bell rings at 12:30 pm, afternoon instruction begins at 12:35 pm (12:45PM for afternoon kindergarten) and school ends at 3:15 p.m.