Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration

    Starting school is an exciting time for your child. Our schools provide a rich learning environment for all children to learn and grow.

    In the Kindergarten program, your child will develop their skills and abilities through inquiry and intentional play-based learning. Teachers and early childhood educators plan learning experiences where children are actively engaged in learning and thinking creatively.

    Children can attend Junior Kindergarten in the calendar year that they turn four and Senior Kindergarten in the year that they turn five. Registration for the English Kindergarten program now begins in January (*see below for information about the Early French Immersion program). For specific registration dates and times, please contact our Main Office.

    Early French Immersion (JK Entry)

    The Early French Immersion program begins in Junior Kindergarten (JK). Families who wish to have their child participate in an Early French Immersion Program  must apply in  November. To apply, please visit

    In January, only those families who applied in November and have accepted an offer of placement for their child via the  central application process can register in Early French Immersion.   

    To learn more about the TDSB's kindergarten program, including home tips on preparing your child for school, visit the Kindergarten Links and Resources page.

    Interested in applying to a school other than the one that serves your home address? Read about Out-of-Area Admissions

    For more information about Kindergarten Registration, please visit: