Welcome to our school web site. The staff, students and parents are proud of our school and hope that you will take this opportunity to learn more about us.
We are truly a community of learners at Earl Beatty. Our teachers are dedicated to continuous professional learning and we are committed to providing a balanced curriculum which addresses the personal, social and academic needs of our children. A basic underlying value of all we do is to build a sense of community based on care, compassion and responsibility. We work closely with our school advisory council to build positive links between home and school and we value the on-site Beatty Buddies Daycare that provides many parents with an essential service that allows them to stay in workforce.
We believe that learning takes place in many settings and is not limited to the classroom, or to traditional student-teacher interaction. At Earl Beatty we regularly welcome community members, artists, professionals, and other workers into the school to share their diverse talents and skills with our students. Our teachers work alongside of and coach student teachers from a variety of teachers' colleges resulting in new and unique learning opportunities for students. Students at Earl Beatty also have opportunities for learning in the wider community as teachers regularly take students out of the school to sites such as the National Film Board, the Toronto Urban Studies Centre, Royal Ontario Museum, City Hall and other sites of cultural and civic importance.
We have a partnership with the Earl Beatty Community Centre and all classes have scheduled swimming lessons during the school day by qualified TDSB swim instructors. We offer a wide-range of extra-curricular activities.
We hope that you will visit our website often and we will work hard to keep this site relevant and useful to you. Should you have any suggestions as to the type of information that you would like to see on this site please feel free to share your ideas.