The Building from Woodington Avenue
This is Earl Beatty Jr. & Sr. Public School from Woodington Ave. We are a proud "old Toronto" school dating back to 1924. Over the past three years, we have returned our main entrance to the school doors on Woodington Avenue, created a student-developed mural in the front entrance and painted many walls to provide a welcoming environment for students, staff and visitors. We are looking forward to having our redesigned playground ready to use in September 2017.
The School Library
This is a hub of learning for our students throughout the day. A representative array of library resources provides our students with a multitude of opportunities to learn about the world and enjoy the creativity of fictional texts.
Technology and Digital Fluency
Technology is found and utilized throughout the school. Using, iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, Interactive White Boards and other forms of technology, we are continuing on our path to provide greater opportunities for learning and a strong understanding of digital fluency throughout our student and staff population.
Our Swimming Pool
The students at Earl Beatty are fortunate to have regularly scheduled swimming classes. Our school shares the pool facility with the Earl Beatty Community Centre. During the school day, we have use of the pool, after 4:00pm the pool is run by the community centre.
Student Murals on the Third Floor
In the Spring of 2007 our Grade 7 & 8 students, under the guidance of art teacher Mr.Clarke, painted murals on the walls of their third floor hallway. The theme was, A Walk Through Time.
The Earl Beatty Gymnasium
This is a view of the Beatty gymnasium during a recent Sharing and Caring Assembly.